When was the last time you were uncomfortable … purposefully uncomfortable? If you dread the feeling at all costs, then you have to hear our conversation today with Tania Katan, author of Creative Tresspassing.


Tania believes in mavericks. She’s a fan of getting messy. She believes you should face your fears. She wants you to be okay with being weird and unique. In the book, and in our conversation today, Tania shares her career story. She discusses the weight she felt in some of her previous jobs, and shares the moments that left her stifled and feeling alone. Tania also talks about how she began to flip those feelings upside down and by leaning in to her creativity to drive more value in her work.

In episode #108 of I Want Her Job The Podcast Tania also talks about the viral women’s empowerment campaign she co-created called #ItWasNeveraDress. In the campaign, the classic female bathroom symbol was reimagined as a cape-wearing power woman. The campaign went global and was featured in Time, New York Times, and CNN.

Learn how you can turn your job into a creative revolution. Consider today’s conversation your Cliff’s Notes on doing just that.

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