Since October 7, we have added more political content with a focus on the war in Israel. We didn’t plan on making our podcast political but we couldnt be authentic without having the conversations we feel are so important, As we think about leading the lives that were meant for us, alongside careers, purpose, relationships and the things that make up a good life, polticis is a part of our daily lives. Some weeks it’s the appetizer and someitmes it is the main course.
As we share in this episode, the war in Israel and the tsunami of lies and hatred towards Jewish people galvanized thousands of activists, including us. In this episode, we spoke with Jonah Platt and Dr. Logan Levkoff about their advocacy stories. We discussed challenging conversations about the war and the impact of activism on our personal and professional lives. As Sharon McMahon reminded us in a previous episode, no effort toward liberty is ever lost. Whatever contribution we can make towards the truth is worth every effort. We hope this conversation will encourage you to advocate for the cause closest to your soul.