Meet Lauren McGoodwin, the founder of Career Contessa. Lauren generously  shares the story of how she started her business, her motivation and how she built Career Contessa from an idea to the  leading career site for millennials offering career tips, career advice, job listings and career coaching.

Lauren shares her story of how she struggled to find her place after graduating from college, and how a role in recruiting gave her the idea for Career Contessa. From day one, Lauren has been driven to help people find the opportunities she could not find and to have the career advice so many of us are missing. For those of us who lack connections or career mentorship, Career Contessa wants to be your trusted advisor.

In our conversation we discuss topics ranging from Lauren’s book Power Moves,  to common career mistakes, “watering your own grass”, entitlement,  and how a false narrative of the perfect job can hurt your future. This is the advice we wish we had when we started our careers.

Power Moves by Lauren McGoodwin

The Career Contessa Podcast