Lindsey Williams was meant for a career in healthcare and urology.  You might think this is an odd choice but when you listen to this episode, you will understand why as a co-founder of FemTech start-up MyUTI, Lindsey is perfectly in her zone. Lindsey’s sense of humor, (that of a 14 year old boy), intellect, work ethic and southern charm led her to a successful career working in start-ups focused on urology and cancer. 

MyUTI is an online service that allows people to quickly and easily test at home if they have a urinary tract infection and within 24 hours know the best antibiotic to take. Antibiotic resistance is a common problem that results in recurrent, often painful, and sometimes very serious urinary tract infections. When you have a UTI, you want immediate relief. If you have had one, then you are probably nodding your head or taking a deep breath as you recall the unpleasant memory.

According to UCSF, around 40 percent of women will have a UTI at some time in their lives. UTI’s are the second most conmon infection in the US. A UTI occurs when bacteria enter the bladder, usually through the urethra (urine tube), and begin to multiply.

In our conversation, Lindsey shares how she met her co-founder and launched MyUTI. If you are interested in the healthcare sector, FemTech and early stage start-ups, you will love this story about how Lindsey found the path she was meant to live. And, if you or someone close to you gets a recurring UTI, give MyUTI a try!


MyUTI Founder Story